The convergence for this method is proved and applied to solve inverse problem of fractal rough surface. 最后将这一算法运用于分形粗糙面的反演问题中,得到了很好的反演效果。
The reviewed techniques include the Inverse Distance Moving Average, Inverse Distance Moving Surface and Ordinary Kriging. 应用的方法为反距离移动平均法、反距离移动表面法和普通克里格。
Error studies of inverse heat conduction problem for the surface temperature measurement 用于表面温度测量的导热反问题的误差研究
Analysis of Inverse Humidity and Moisture Respiration Process of Surface Soil in Desert Near Oasis 邻近绿洲的荒漠表层土壤逆湿和对水分“呼吸”过程的分析
The comprehensive oxygen transfer of high power inverse cone surface aerator versus the rotation speed and immersed depth of impeller was researched experimentally. 通过试验,对大功率倒伞型曝气机的综合充氧性能随叶轮旋转线速度和浸没深度变化的规律进行了研究。
Rayleigh surface wave data in seismic exploration is used to inverse near surface low velocity zone thickness and velocity. 阐明利用瑞雷面波反演近地表速度和厚度的可行性,并利用地震记录中的瑞雷面波数据,反演近地表低速带的厚度和速度。
In the article, with give surface control point and boundary condition, matrix expression is given using quadric NURBS surface. And the algorithm of control vertex is give to solve the inverse problem of quadric NURBS surface. 对于给定的曲面型值点及边界条件,本文利用二次NURBS曲面的矩阵表达式,给出一个反求二次NURBS曲面控制顶点的算法。
Oily contaminants often occur on the surface of continuous tinplating electrolyte in many cases, which may have a serious inverse effect on the surface quality of tinplate, and increase the cost and waste of production. 高速镀锡电解槽液表面常会出现“油污”现象,严重影响了镀锡件的产品质量,增加了原料消耗和镀液排放量。
The inverse solving of the Bezier surface control points is often to be dealt with in CAD/ CAM surface modeling and this is effectively worked out here by solving the inverse matrices of the Vandermonde matrices. 通过求解Vandermonde矩阵的逆矩阵,使CAD/CAM曲面造型中常常遇到的反求Bezier曲面控制点问题得到有效的解决。
An Inverse Problem of Wall surface Radiation heat Load in a Two dimensional Vacuum System 二维真空系中壁面辐射热负荷反问题
Forward and inverse method for near surface seismic scattered noises 近地表地震散射噪声的正反演方法
This research prove inverse proportion of linear relativity between the surface Radiant Temperature and NDVI, this conclusion and the result of thermal landscape provide with the theory foundation on solution of relieving Heat Island Effect of area. 本研究证实了植被指数与辐射温度之间的线性反比相关性,该结论及热力景观的研究结果为缓解区域热岛效应的对策研究提供了理论依据。
The inversion of 3D surface velocity model is a high precision method to inverse surface medium structure, but the mass computing of modeling and inversion should be done and it needs support of high performance computing. 三维表层模型层析反演是一种高精度反演表层任意介质速度结构的有效方法,但大量的正、反演,需要高性能计算的支持。
An Algorithm for the Inverse Solution of Bezier Surface Control Points 一个反求Bezier曲面控制点的算法
In the studies of geophysical normal problem and inverse problem concerning the surface vertical displacements, the real surface vertical equals the sum of apparent vertical displacement and geoidal height variation. 在涉及表面垂直位移的地球物理正演和反演问题的研究中,表面真垂直位移等于表面视垂直位移和大地水准面高变化的和。
Mixed calculation of direct and inverse problems along s_2 stream surface in multistage transonic compressor 多级跨音速压气机S2流面正反问题混合计算
Test and Measurement of High Power Inverse Cone Surface Aerator 大功率倒伞型曝气机性能检测和研究
In this paper, the Sequential Function Method ( SFM) which is used to solve the inverse heat conduction problem of surface heat flux identification was introduced at first. 本文给出了求解表面热流密度辨识这一热传导逆问题的顺序函数法。
Inverse mapping of rational parameter surface based on the pseudo linear transformation method 基于准线性变换消元法的有理参数曲面逆映射
Inverse Heat Conduction Analysis of Synthetical Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient during Quenching Process 淬火冷却过程中表面综合换热系数的反传热分析
The solution of variational finite element method for the inverse problem on s_2 relative stream surface in turbines 离心叶轮的半反命题设计透平S2流面气动半反命题有限元解
Inverse scattering problem of smooth surface 光滑曲面的反散射问题
Investigation of inverse problem for surface temperature radiometric measurement of continuous casting blank 连铸铸坯表面温度辐射测量的反问题研究
A revised program for the bypass turbomachine inverse problem of flow along s_2 surface 双涵道叶轮机S2流面反问题计算方法
Based on the new method, the paper discusses an inverse mapping of rational parameter surface, also, the implicit equation of the parametric equation is obtained. 用该方法对基于有理参数曲面的逆映射进行了一些探讨,并得到参数曲面的隐式方程。
Because of influence of oasis, over desert or Gobi near the oasis, atmospheric humidity not only often appears inverse gradient in surface layer, but also the inverse humidity can extend to soil surface at night. 由于绿洲效应影响,临近绿洲的荒漠戈壁不仅近地层空气多为逆湿,而且这种空气逆湿在夜间较强时可以继续向土壤活动层延伸。
Aimed at the inverse problem of the complicated surface structure, the authors studied the theory, method and software to inverse the surface velocity structure by using the ground seismic first break. 针对复杂表层结构的反演问题,作者研究了一套利用地面地震初至波层析反演表层速度结构的理论、方法和软件系统。
After that the inverse optimal design method based on spline surface is promoted. 然后,提出了基于样条曲面的反演优化设计方法。
The algorithm first parameterizes data point; then using the nature of the tensor product, surface of inverse problem will be resolved as a series of curves of inverse problem, namely, reverse closed surface and open surface of the control points. 该算法首先对数据点进行参数化;然后利用张量积曲面的性质,将曲面反算问题化解为一系列曲线反算问题,分别反求闭曲面和开曲面的控制点。